About Us
Prayer warriors dedicated to spiritual combat.
Our Mission is the renewal of our Church through the strengthening and protection of our priests and consecrated souls by seeking deep personal conversion and exercising a life of prayer, penance and sacrifice.
What sets us apart is our love to the aching Heart of Jesus, consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and continued conversion, seeking daily a more perfect Adoration of God.

To Adore God is to recognize Him as our Creator and Lord. It is to freely and humbly accept a life of servitude. It is to recognize that we are His creation and not our own making, that we are His possession and not of the world. It is to recognize He is our Owner and we are His property. To adore is to be aware that we are completely dependent on Him, hence, we must completely surrender to Him and His Will.
Maria Rosa Mystica Knights
The Maria Rosa Mystica (MRM) Knights group is the guardian and promoter of the MRM devotion within a diocese.
This group manages three basic components of the devotion:
Encourage individual prayer within the group
Maintain and manage one or more pilgrim statute novenas within your
Organize monthly regional (if more than one diocesan group) and annual
diocesan devotion celebrations
The devotion calls for the laity to a life of prayer, penance and sacrifice offered for our priests and religious.
Upon request, a devotion manual is available for the groups to follow as they invite others to join our nationwide network of praying knights for priests and consecrated lives. Please send us an email if you wish to establish a devotion in your parish or diocese.
As Mother of the Church, in the advocation of Maria Rosa Mystica, the Virgin Mary has been asking for a particular devotion for the protection and strengthening of priests and religious orders, and for the flourishing of vocations.
For this reason, the Maria Rosa Mystica Knights, engage every day in the spiritual battle for the renewal of the Church at the service of the Virgin Mary, our Queen. We heed this call by wielding the weapons of prayer, penance and sacrifice for our consecrated souls while seeking a deeper personal conversion.
Individual conversion
Christ invites each one of us to intensify the personal relationship with Him. The Prayer warriors and more specifically, the MRM Knights dedicate our lives to spiritual combat.
As mentioned above, the mission is the renewal of our Church through the strengthening and protection of our priests and consecrated souls by seeking deep personal conversion and exercising a life of prayer, penance, and sacrifice.
What sets us apart is our love to the aching Heart of Jesus, consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and continued conversion, seeking daily a more perfect Adoration of God.
To adore God is to recognize Him as our Creator and Lord. It is to, freely and humbly, accept a life of servitude. It is to recognize that we are His creation and not our own making, that we are His possession and not of the world. It is to recognize He is our Owner and we are His property. To adore is to be aware that we are completely dependent on Him, hence, we must completely surrender to Him and His Will.
Laity as praying warriors for the church
Why are the laity being called to this battle?
It is a well-known fact that priests, given their faculty to be a channel of God’s grace to the Church through the sacraments, are a target of the most vicious attacks from the Devil. Since the beginning of the Church, prayer warriors, typically orders of consecrated men and women that lived in constant prayer and seclusion, had the job of offering prayers, penance and sacrifices for priests. However, this last century has seen an unprecedented decline in these types of vocations and hundreds of monasteries and cloisters have closed their doors. It is our calling now to stand in this gap and provide the protection and strengthening our priests are desperately needing.
Without the special faculties that only priests have, the Church can’t survive, but the Church needs us to produce holy priests and to protect them and shield them from spiritual attacks.
Nationwide network of MRM Knights
Our desire is to create a nationwide network of diocesan and regional level MRM Knights groups. These groups oversee organizing the basic components of the devotion in their own diocese. These components are:
Encourage individual prayer within the group
Maintain and manage one or more pilgrim statute novenas within your
Organize monthly regional (if more than one diocesan group) and annual
diocesan devotion celebrations
Diocesan regional groups
MRM Knights:
These individuals will be knighted by the group’s chaplain, using the Rosa Mystica consecration prayers (see manual), during one of the monthly celebrations. We encourage having as many knights as possible within the diocese. Knights will be tasked with individual life of prayer, penance, and sacrifice.
The individual commitment is as follows:
MRM Daily Prayer (click here)
Daily Rosary
Daily Saint Michael Prayer
Accept daily crosses and duties for priests
Monthly reconciliation
Offer acts of self-denial for priests. i.e. fasting, giving up something
MRM Marshalls:
The Marshalls are Knights with the responsibility of leading the diocesan group. There shall be 12 Marshalls in each diocesan chapter and their duties are divided as follows:
4 of the Marshalls will be in charge of the pilgrim statute
4 of the Marshalls will be in charge of the monthly and annual celebrations
4 of the Marshalls will be in charge of maintaining the knights database